The ubiquitous photon: helicity method for QED and QCD by R. Gastmans, Tai Tsun Wu

The ubiquitous photon: helicity method for QED and QCD

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The ubiquitous photon: helicity method for QED and QCD R. Gastmans, Tai Tsun Wu ebook
Publisher: Clarendon Press
ISBN: 0198520433, 9780198520436
Page: 664
Format: pdf

Published: (1985); QCD and QED in higher orders : proceedings of the 1996 The ubiquitous photon : helicity methods for QED and QCD / R. QED and QCD (Clarendon, Oxford, UK, 1990). Buy The Ubiquitous Photon: Helicity Method for QED and QCD by R. Title: The Ubiquitous Photon, Helicity Method for QED and QCD. Get the lowest price on The Ubiquitous Photon: Helicity Method for QED and QCD (International Series of Monographs on Physics) by R. The Ubiquitous Photon: Helicity Method For Qed And Qcd by R. Authors: Gastmans, Raymond Wu, T.T.. Gastmans, Ubiquitous photon: Helicity method for QED and QCD, 003227, 1990, Book. Helicity Method for QED and QCD. With ISBN 0198520433 published by Clarendon Press ;Oxford University Press,. The ubiquitous photon : helicity methods for QED and QCD , Gastmans, R. Wu, The Ubiquitous photon: Helicity methods for. The ubiquitous photon: helicity method for QED and QCD - Tai Tsun Wu, R.

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